*INVITE ONLY **Non-Parent Coach
UNDER 22 - U22
**AA ELITE | Fiona McLeod with Dan Del Monte : u22elite@northyorkstorm.com : 905.782.0205 : RECRUITS ENCOURAGED TO CONTACT COACH
A | **Fulvio Noce :and Manager Angelo Inglese : Angelo.o.i@rogers.com : 416.274.2600
UNDER 18 - U18
AA | Daryl Gloyns : 18aahp@northyorkstorm.com : 416.704.3594
A | **Kevin Gibson : coachgibby22@gmail.com : 416.407.5747
A | **Maurice Levesque : mlhockeytraining@gmail.com : 647.294.8187
A | Jared Brown with **Bronwyn Brennan : U18ANYS@gmail.com : 416-302-2963
BB | David Lee : lee@smcsmail.com : 416.529.9055
B | Charles Sinclair : csinclair@goldblattpartners.com : 416.278.1168
B | **Luca Mirani : u18b@northyorkstorm.com
B | Mike Leib : mikeleib@yahoo.com : 647.261.2441
B | David Andrews : coach.dave.andrews@gmail.com : 416.998.1234
UNDER 15 (U15) - 2011 and 2012
AA | **Frank Corrente : u15aa@northyorkstorm.com : 647.467.8344
A | **Tommy Kotsopoulos : tommykotsopoulos27@gmail.com : 647.561.6117 with **Frank Corrente and Manager Marco Delle Donne : msdd1@hotmail.com : 416.806.2750
BB | **Claudia Coluccio : thehockeychick@outlook.com
BB | Dragan Marunic : marunichockey@gmail.com : 416-878-6536
B | **Iliana Argiropoulos : iliana20@rogers.com
UNDER 13 (U13) - 2013 and 2014
AA | **Steve Bloxam : u13aa@northyorkstorm.com : 416.844.2695
A | Pearse McDonnell with Manager Jessica : 647.970.5772 : jessica@northyorkstorm.com
BB | **Claudia Coluccio : thehockeychick@outlook.com
BB | Michael Darragh : mikedarragh1@yahoo.com : 416.729.9692
B | TBD *Interested? Apply Today
UNDER 11 (U11) - 2016 and 2016
AA | **Tommy Kotsopoulos : tommykotsopoulos27@gmail.com : 647.561.6117
A | TBD *Interested? Apply Today
BB | Dan Millete : nystormu11b@gmail.com
B | TBD *Interested? Apply Today
UNDER 9 (U9) - 2017 and 2018
A | **Interim Coach: Barbra Mirani : president@northyorkstorm.com TBD *Interested? Apply Today
Gus Hipditch phipditch@icloud.com or Laura Hook l.hook@sympatico.ca