2023 Team Contact Information


UNDER 22 - U22

AA ELITE | Dan Del Monte with **Fiona McLeod : u22aa@northyorkstorm.com : 905.782.0205 : RECRUITS ENCOURAGED TO CONTACT COACH

A | **Manager Fulvio Noce : noce@rogers.com and Assistant Eman Emannoce@gmail.com : Looking for 1 Forward and 1 Defence 

UNDER 18 - U18

AA **Tim Halloran with George Lazarou : 18aahp@northyorkstorm.com : 647.291.7208

A | Kevin Gibson : coachgibby22@gmail.com : 416.407.5747

A | Maurice Levesque : mlhockeytraining@gmail.com : 647.294.8187

A | Maggie Licata and Danny Menezes: maggie.dannyNYSU18A@gmail.com

BB | **Bronwyn Brennan with Jared Brown and John Palumbo JBrown@brownlaw.ca : 416-302-2963 : Looking for 1 Player

BB | **Coach Leo James with Manager Georgina Bogias : Georginabogias@gmail.com : 416.317.7644

B | Charles Sinclair : csinclair@goldblattpartners.com : 416.278.1168

UNDER 15 (U15) - 2009 and 2010

AA | George Trifon : u15aa@northyorkstorm.com : 416.988.6264

A | Dave Lee, Coach and Neil Grunberg, Manager: neil.grunberg@gmail.com : 416.356.8742

A | **Maurice Levesque : mlhockeytraining@gmail.com : 647.294.8187

BB | Coach Jared Brown with Manager: Deborah Potts : DeborahP@procom.ca : 416.938.0060 :  : Looking for 1 Goalie

BB | **Coach Leo James with Manager Michelle Schlag and Kirk Backer : u15bb23@gmail.com : : Looking for 2 Forwards

B | Mike Leib : mikeleib@yahoo.com : 647.261.2441

B | **Luca Mirani : Ed Wong Manager : ehingwong@gmail.com

UNDER 13 (U13) - 2011 and 2012

AA | **Madison Davey with **George Trifon and **Barbra Mirani : u13aa@northyorkstorm.com : 416.799.1990 : Looking for 2 Forwards and 1 Defence

A | Noam Tomczak, Coach with Manager: Neil Grunberg : neil.grunberg@gmail.com : 416.356.8742

BB/B | **Claudia Coluccio : Eli Zamir Manager : eliyahu.zamir@gmail.com : Looking for 2 Players + 1 GOALIE!

UNDER 11 (U11) - 2013 and 2014

A | Coach Paolo Santarsia 416.839.9240 with Manager Jessica McDonnell : u11@northyorkstorm.com : 647.970.5772 : Looking for 1 Forward and 1 Goalie

B | **Luca Mirani : u11@northyorkstorm.com  : Looking for 2 Forwards, 2 Defence and 1 Goalie

UNDER 9 (U9) - 2015 and 2016

A | **Claudia Coluccio : u9@northyorkstorm.com : Players and Goalie Needed 



Gus Hipditch phipditch@icloud.com or Laura Hook l.hook@sympatico.ca


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